
Maximising economic recovery, prior to bringing pipelines to the end of their serviceable lives.

At the end of field life, it is necessary to decommission the pipelines.  

P2D will utilise several years experience and leading industry technology to manage and accurately assess the conditions of pipelines, as part of the overall decommisioning programme.

This includes:

  • Optimisation of suitable cleaning levels.
  • The P2D ATEX certified PPT is used to quantify the amount of debris and qualify the internal condition of the pipeline.  P2D Insonify will then identify the composition and classification of the debris.  These industry leading technologies and methods provide unrivalled levels of insight to internal pipeline conditions, essential prior to engineering a suitable cleaning program. The intelligence gathered from the PPT and Insonify surveys, in conjunction with historical data & additional information like received debris analysis from maintenance pigging and slug catcher/separator cleanouts etc. provided by the production chemist would be used to engineer a suitable cleaning program. 

  • Pig design.
  • Design pigs specific to the pipelines (keeping in mind slug separation and chemicals to be used)

  • Assist with chemical cleaning selection and quantities required.
  • Consideration should also be given to the requirement for soak period to allow the individual chemicals to draw the product from the pipewall after agitation from the brushes. From this actual dewatering run speed can be determined. The PPM will also be set for the preservation chemicals to be left behind by the period of time when the pipeline will be left in mothball state or if it is to be removed.

  • Our Accreditations